Job Finder Website

Case Study

Job Finder App

“More than a job… it’s an adventure in innovation.”



Job Finder’s mission is to find the perfect match between people and jobs ?

This bold statement is appropriate for today’s modern age. The process of job hunting has become much more straightforward these days. Everything started with a website. They made it easy to recruit and brought in competitive deals, which set the foundation for a full-fledged company.

Project Goal

This project was started with one primary goal in mind: to create a website that is specifically designed for Local Jobs. The main focus of the project was to highlight what they had to offer in comparison to traditional recruiting platforms. This meant a complex back-end structure but also a user-friendly design.

job finder bubble 6

Easy Food ordering Process and increase trust in restaurants and customers

job finder bubble 4

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  • There was an abundance of information on this platform, as any job search could lead to multiple company results.
  • A number of interconnected facets and material sources make it challenging to access information when needed.
  • To reduce color distraction.
  • There is no effective mechanism for retrieving information. The search wasn’t working properly.


  • We decided to make the most of the content easy to read. To avoid guesswork, we only highlighted the most important features and buttons with green.
  • An integrated design that provided for easy access to information.
  • We reduced the logos and focused on job titles.
  • Dedicated search servers are available.

Visual Design

job finder website template

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